As a mastering engineer, I aim to make the artist's creative message accessible to as many people as possible. Together we’ll make your recording sound balanced and loud while remaining faithful to your musical concept. I will take care of every detail that can create a strong synergy between your sound and the listener.

During the mastering process I will listen to every request, doubt or revision of yours so that the final master conveys your unique message in the most engaging way to your fans and future audience.


  • I work with a wide variety of international artists working in many genres. I primarily work with artists who want their creative vision to be brought to the mastering process. Mastering should, first and foremost, follow the creative voice of the artist.

    A large part of my mastering work focuses on experimental sound practices. The more unconventional and unique the style, the better!

  • In short:

    • Remove any heavy limiting from your master bus (you can send a limited version as a reference)

    • Ensure you are not clipping the master channel

    • Render at the sample rate you have recorded and mixed in

    • Export in 32 Floating Point .wav if possible

    • Ensure there are no clicks, phase issues, clipped audio or render errors in your export

    • Name your file with your artist name, track number and track name

    • Upload your files to my wetransfer page or any other upload site along with your references

    If you have any questions about this, please feel free to get in touch with me.

  • First, you upload your files and get in touch with me through the contact form below. I will then take a good listen to your music, give you any mix feedback if you are interested in this, and send you a quote for your project along with a couple of technical questions.

    If you accept the quote, I will give you an invoice along with payment information along with a time estimate for when your masters will be ready.

    Taking our conversation as a reference, I will start mastering your project: applying tasteful processing to get your music to release-ready status. Once I have finished mastering your work, tested it in a variety of listening environments, an done my final polishing, I will send you a link for you to download your masters!

    If you are happy with them, you can go ahead and upload them to your distributor or send them to your cutting engineer for vinyl pressing. If you are not, I am happy to do a reasonable amount of revisions until you are satisfied.

    Every project is different, and there might be some extra back-and-forth between us depending on your needs. I am always available to answer any questions or special requests you may have for the mastering process.

My goal is not just to deliver technical excellence, but to bring out the emotion, energy, and creativity in an artist's music, amplifying their voice and making sure it reaches the world with maximum impact

Let’s start working together

Please fill out this form with the information relevant to your project or to get in touch with me about mastering in general.

You can upload your files to my WeTransfer page if you would like, or include any other download link in your email.

The more information you give me about your project, the better outcomes you will likely recieve from the mastering process. Please tell me about the concept, idea, challenges and desires you have for your project alongside the technical information related to your release.

I’m excited to hear your music!